Saturday, August 15, 2015

Eleven Incredibly Useful Websites

The internet has changed the way we live and given us access to a world of information that was not previously available to us. However, despite the many hours we spend 'surfing' the net, we don't always stumble across the sites that are truly useful to us. Our list compiles some of the most useful resources you probably didn't know existed and there is something for everyone. Bookmark your favorites for future use!

Printing a page from the internet can be problematic. Print outs will frequently include all the headings, subheadings and adverts which surround the actual information that you want to keep, wasting both paper and ink. It's annoying! Luckily, Print Friendly provides the perfect solution in a matter of seconds. You simply copy the web address of the page into a box, click 'convert' and it generates an entirely print friendly version of it for you.

Manuals Library Homepage

If you are anything like me, you won't have a clue where the manual for your washing machine, dishwasher or computer is within weeks of the purchase. So what happens when something goes wrong or you need to know that special setting that you have never used before? You won't necessarily have to rummage through every drawer in your house to find the paper manual, because Manuals Library has compiled a database containing thousands of official product guides that can easily be searched by brand and model.
Flight Aware

Flight Aware allows you to track pretty much any international flight around the world. So if are due to pick up a loved one from the airport, or just want to know they have landed then you can follow their progress using this useful resource. If you are stuck at the airport waiting to board a delayed connection, it can also provide you with crucial news. Let's face it, the airport information boards do not always provide a huge amount of information themselves!
We Transfer Home Page

If you have ever tried to send a series of photos by email, you will be aware of how difficult it can be. Photos tend to be big files so they take an age to attach to your email message, and if you try and do several at once, they may not attach at all. We Transfer provides a really simple answer to this common problem. It allows you to attach your photos and then converts them into a smaller files which can be sent to an email address (or several email addresses) of your choice. Once the recipient has received them, they can download them easily and quickly on to their PC.
Two Foods Homepage

If you are struggling to decide between your two favorite breakfasts or keep agonizing over which ingredients to throw into your latest stir fry, then Two Foods could be the site for you. Simply type in any two ingredients and it will provide all the nutritional information you need! It's a great resource for monitoring your dietary intake.
Animoto Homepage

Animoto allows anyone to make a professional looking video using his or her own footage or photos in three simple steps. You can add music and effects to give the video a personal touch and easily save it once you have finished so it can be sent on to friends and family. It's a fantastic way to share your photos with loved ones in a creative way.

Super Cook Home Page

If you are often stuck for what to cook and can neither be bothered to look up specific recipes or go to the shop, then Super Cook is a fantastic resource you need to know about. It allows you to search for recipes based on the ingredients you already have in your fridge and cupboards so that you get plenty of ideas for new dishes without having to spend time and money rushing to the local grocery store.

Mailinator Home Page

Mailinator is a website which provides you with a quick and easy way of creating a temporary, disposable email address. It is designed to help you reduce spam into your permanent email address. If you need to fill in a form online but do not want to generate any annoying junk mail that could result from it, simply create a temporary email address and use that instead. Emails are automatically deleted a day later, although you can forward any responses you wish to your permanent address.

Polish My Writing is a resource that allows you to copy and paste text you have written into a help box and run it through a spelling and grammar checker. Unlike review tools in Microsoft programs like Word, it is also designed to give you advice about your style of writing and tips for ensuring your text flows well. A simple explanation tool explains the reasons why specific mistakes were flagged and how to fix them, so it's a great educational resource as well as a checker.

Fuelly Home Page

Fuelly is a free service that allows you to track the amount of gas you use to power your car. You can also get great tips for saving fuel from the online community (you can seek out other owners of your model of car and see how they are doing) as well as set reminders so you know when, for example, your tires next need checking. In these times of high fuel prices, it's a fantastic tool for drivers!

Join Me Homepage

Join Me provides you with the power to share your computer screen with someone else over the internet. So, if you are on the phone with your son or daughter, and want to show them your latest photos, simply send them a request and they will be able to watch your screen as you flick through your photo gallery. It is also great for getting documents checked over before you send them or allowing someone computer savvy to have a look at a problem with your PC.
There's even a function that allows you to give the other person control of your mouse so they can move around your desktop from their computer and fix your problem for you.

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