Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Germs in your home -- where you'd never think to look

We all would like a home that’s free of germs, fungus, mold, and other pests, but there are some places we don’t how or even realize that they could use a serious cleaning. Here is the which & how to clean these 15 things.
1. Toothbrushes
Things to Clean

Did you know that your toothbrush is most likely infested with hundreds of thousands of bacteria even after the first time you use it? To clean your toothbrush just pour a cup of vinegar or vodka, and dip your toothbrush in it for 15-30 minutes.
2. Toothbrush Holder
Things to Clean

After you’ve cleaned your toothbrush, you shouldn’t put it back in a filthy holder. A 2011 study from the University of Massachusetts found that the toothbrush holder is the 3rd-dirtiest object in our home. To clean it, rinse it in hot water and dry with a clean cloth. If the insides are hard to reach, you can use a pipe-cleaner. Make sure you get any and all traces of toothpaste from it, then fill it up with mouthwash and leave it that way for 2 minutes. Rinse again and let it air dry.
3. Vacuum Filter
Things to Clean

Is your vacuum releasing unpleasant smells when your turn it on? This may indicate a contaminated filter. Buying a new one can cost you a pretty penny, but you can save the money by running the filter in the dishwasher. First, manually remove as much dust and particles off of it as you can, and then run it in the dishwasher and let it air dry for a couple of days.
4. Smartphones
Things to Clean

Smartphones are a breeding ground for bacteria – it’s near our mouths, in our hand, and most people take it with them to the toilet. To clean your smartphone, use a cleaning cloth lightly soaked in multi-purpose cleaner (don’t apply the liquid directly onto the device). After you’re done, use a rag dipped in alcohol to clean the microphone and speaker. It’s highly recommended that you do this after you’ve been sick.
5. Shower Curtains and Bath Mats
Things to Clean

Like the great majority of people, you probably don’t clean your shower curtains or bathmats regularly, thinking “they’re in cleanest place in the house”. Sadly, this is a misconception – the washing room is a hot, humid place, which is exactly what fungus and bacteria love. To thoroughly clean them, wash them in the washing machine with a cup of baking soda and use the gentle cycle.
6. TV Remote
Things to Clean

It’s possible that since you got your TV, you haven’t cleaned the remote control even once. This doesn’t mean you’re lazy or dirty, it’s often the case because people don’t know that they should, or how to do it. To clean the remote, begin by removing the batteries. Use a dry toothbrush to clean between the buttons. Dip a rag in a 1:1 water/alcohol solution and wipe the remote. Finally, dip cotton buds in the solution and clean between all the nooks and crannies. Finally, dry it with a clean rag and you’re done.
7. Down Blankets
Things to Clean

Before you stow it away for the winter, take the opportunity to clean your favorite blanket from all the sweat and stains it collected while warming us up in the winter. Due to its size, most washing machines and dryers can’t handle it, but you can clean up particular stains by using a little bit of water and stain-remover. Make sure not to wet the down feathers inside, and dry the spot with a hairdryer.
8. Pillows
Things to Clean

Did you know that your pillows are probably home to dust mites? (About 10% of a 2-year-old pillow’s weight is dead dust mites and their excrements).
Synthetic filling – Synthetic filling can usually be put through the washing machine, but make sure you read the label for cleaning instructions. If you want to keep the pillow’s shape in the machine, toss in 1 or 2 tennis balls.
Memory Foam or Down Feathers – Clean in the same way as the down blanket from #7.

9. Shower Loofa
Things to Clean

It’s always covered in soap, so it should be clean, right? WRONG. Loofahs trap bits of dead skin, providing bacteria with a delicious meal. To clean it, fill a bucket with water and add a ¼ cup of bleach. Leave the loofa in the bucket for 5 minutes and you should be good to go.
10. Fabric Lamp Shades
Things to Clean

Lamp shades can be cleaned with a wet cloth or vacuumed, but some are too delicate for that and require special treatment. Mix water and dish soap in a 1:4 ratio and whisk it until it becomes foamy. Apply the foam on the lamp shade and wipe off with a dry cloth.
11. Thermos
Things to Clean

If you forget your thermos in your car, you’ll often find it reeking, and a regular wash simply won’t cut it. To thoroughly clean it, pour boiling water into it, seal it and leave it in overnight, and then rinse it in the morning. Alternatively, you can add two teaspoons of baking soda to lukewarm water and fill it up with the solution and leave it for a few hours.
12. Ice Trays
Things to Clean

Most ice trays are dishwasher-safe, but some require extra cleaning. Silicon ice trays get slowly covered by a layer of calcium sulfide. To clean the tray, place in a solution if water and vinegar for 2 hours
13. Drying Rack
Things to Clean

We use it to dry our clean dishes, but we hardly ever clean it too. The best way to clean a drying rack is by dipping it in a sink full of water, adding a ¼ cup of bleach per every gallon of water. Leave the rack in for 20 minutes, and  then use a cloth to remove any remaining mold or stains. Once you’re done, rinse the rack again, and let it air-dry for a day.
14. Bath Toys
Things to Clean

If you give your kids a bath and let them play with toys while in there, then make sure you wash these toys once you’re done. The toys may be breeding mold, so mix a ½ cup of vinegar in a gallon of water and soak the toys in it for an hour. Once you’re done, rinse the toys and let them air dry.
15. Baby Booster Straps
Things to Clean

You should be cleaning the chair itself with ease every time, but what do you do when the straps get dirty? Simply make a bleach and baking soda solution. Use a toothbrush to clean the strap with the cleaning solution, and then rinse the whole chair.
That’s it. Don’t you feel fresher?

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