Tuesday, June 2, 2015

8 Surefire Ways an Apple Watch Can Increase Your Sales Closing Rate

8 Surefire Ways an Apple Watch Can Increase Your Sales Closing Rate          

There is no doubt that the Apple Watch in itself represents a major cool factor and perhaps serves as a great icebreaker as well. But you may not yet be aware that given the right business apps, your wearable device may be your new secret weapon to being the smartest person in the room at your next meeting.
As you well know, a CRM system stores valuable insights about your customer – everything from bios, to purchasing history, to the address of their office. Imagine if all of this could be available on your watch. Now we’re talking … and closing some deals! Check out some of the possibilities below

  1. The 411. Never walk into a meeting unprepared. You want everyone at the meeting to think you spent your morning reading the New York Times. Fortunately, your Apple Watch knows what company you are meeting with, per your calendar, and can provide you with the most recent headlines, stock information for public companies, and more.
  2. Attendees. Who’s in the room? Don’t be the guy (or gal) that can’t tell the CIO from the CFO. Ensure that you have access to names, job titles, photos, and brief bios of everyone attending the meeting and greet them like they are your long-lost best friends.
  3. Time keeping. Time management in a productive meeting is always key. You don’t want to look at a clock and be surprised to find out that there are 10 minutes left in the meeting and you have only covered half the items on your agenda. Your Apple Watch will keep time on your meeting and ensure you are managing the agenda accordingly.
  4. ETA updates. Speaking of running late, reality is that some meetings do run over. And this often throws your schedule off for the rest of the day. Imagine if, with a few quick swipes on your Apple Watch, you could notify your assistant, the attendees of your next meeting, and your manager of your revised ETA.
  5. Pipeline. When you’re running from meeting to meeting, it’s hard to keep track of the details of each unique opportunity. CRM on your wrist will enable you to get a quick view of your pipeline and the status of the account you are meeting with.
  6. Calendars. New city, new rental car, and your plane arrived late so you are short on time. Sound familiar? You’ll arrive with time to spare thanks to calendar integration between your Apple Watch and your CRM.
  7. Service history. Don’t be the last to know about your customer’s service history. CRM integration with your watch will ensure that you have a high-level view of service activity so you can proactively address any issues with your customer.
  8. Follow-up. Last but certainly not least, a successful meeting always involves follow-up items. Imagine the time you could save if you could quickly send an e-mail to all meeting attendees via your Apple Watch. And what about your Type-A boss? Don’t wait too long to debrief him or her – send them a detailed voice memo from your watch

   Not sold yet? Check out this inspiring video from SAP Cloud for Customer on the possibilities of simplifying your life – and your meeting – via your Apple Watch.


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